Haunted House ?


Trustworthiness of the media

We can divide the media into into trustworthy and untrustworthy. The reliable ones with verified information are: Mladá Fronta Dnes, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny. On the other hand, there is gutter press which is interested in readability and attractiveness of its articles more than valuable information. Owing to this reason, these kind of newspapers are more popular with general public.


In spite of the fact that most people in our society work with computer and they do not have enough time to read newspapers, it seems that the internet is the only source of current news and information. Its major advantage is speed thus information are given earlier than in daily newspapers. However, there is a risk of possible uncertified and inaccurate trustworthiness of certain information.


Poople in our country can choose from various kinds of radio stations. Some of them are aimed at music which means that information in this media is very brief.


Other broadened media is television. Within the bounds of the Czech Republic, we have several TV stations including state and private. Private broadcasting services are rather focused on glamorousness of news.whilst state insitutions are founded on facts.

Daily newspapers

Even daily newspapers is divided into trustworthy and untrustworthy. Tabloids are focused mostly on easy reading and sensations. Nevertheless, these newspapers including Blesk, Aha and Šíp have exceptional merchantability. Compared to them, the papers such as Týden, MF Dnes, Lidové noviny, are based on truth and real facts.


When concentrating on one piece of news, we tried to run into dfferences in giving reports. With regard to all available sources of information, we found out that none of the medium was not different from each other. The only diference was in vividness of the stories and tingeing them in order to increase saleability.

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