Haunted House ?


TV NOVA – news:

According to residents, it is an enchanted house, on the other hand, experts claims it is an unfathomable mystery. Look, only this has happened today. Another plug have burst into flames and plastic bags have burnt on the table.

Mr. Mraček: „ It did not burst into flames but it melted, sintered.“

Even worse end had big damp towel in the bathroom, where strong discharges appear. It had already been in flames when the Mraček's family took picture of it.

Mr. Mraček: „None knows what comes next.“

A big number of specialists have relieved. Everything indicates that there are high frequency radiation, so something similar to microwaves radiation.

Pavel Fiala, VUT (Technical Faculty) Brno: „It is possible that these extremes can happen but other and other events like cracking lightbulbs, burning of wet towels are really very unusual.“

And, this is needful to measure it and prove it somehow. The source has not been found by anybody. Suspection falls also on the Army. The house is neighbour to Military area Brdy. The Army as well as the Telecommunication Office disproved this hypothesis today.

Jan Šulc, The Army of the Czech Republic: „ The Army in Brdy – the military area nearby Strašice in Rokycany region does not run any devices which could influence occurrence of mentioned anomaly.“

Mr. Mraček: Considering to what is happening here nowadays, the weekend will be hard.“

Another experts shall come to investigate this mystery later this week. The Mraček's family is angry and says that everything is postponing but when their house burns down, they will not get anything.

Tereza Majxnerová, TV Nova, Strašice


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